소믈리에자격증 와인비전 WSET

WSET 중급 영어 과정 (WSET Level 2 Award in Wine & Spirits in English) 본문


WSET 중급 영어 과정 (WSET Level 2 Award in Wine & Spirits in English)

와인비전 2013. 1. 3. 15:44

WSET 국제 인증과정 프로그램

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WSET 중급 영어 과정 (WSET Level 2 Award in Wine & Spirits in English)

The WSET Level 2 Award Course is intended as vocational training in product knowledge for those employed in the drinks industry who have little previous knowledge of the broad range of alcoholic beverages available. The qualification is suitable wherever a good level of product knowledge is required to underpin job skills and competencies. The course is also appropriate for those not employed in the drinks industry but who have a serious interest in wine, and wish to broaden their knowledge in a structuredway.

● Fees : 1,050,000 Won

● Certification : Level 2 Award in Wines & Spirits

● Inclusive of WSET Level2 study materials & WSET Level 2 Exam

Course Dates / Book Now

1. Wine Tasting

Tasting and Evaluating Wine(WSET Level 2 Systematic Approaching to Tasting)

2. Wine and Environment

Understand the factors that influence wine style and price

Climate and Weather, Soils and Slopes

The vineyard and Production, Maturation

3. Principal Grape Varieties 1

Key Grape Varieties : Chardonnay, Pinot Noir

know the characteristics of the grape varieties used in wine production

know the labelling terms and flavour of wines produced in the key wine producing countries

4. Principal Grape Varieties 2

Key Grape Varieties : Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc

Know the characteristics of the grape varieties used in wine production

know the labeling terms and flavour of wines produced in the key wine producing countries

5. Principal Grape Varieties 3

Key Grape Varieties : Syrah/Shiraz, Grenache, Riesling 

know the characteristics of the grape varieties used in wine production

know the labeling terms and flavour of wines produced in the key wine producing countries

6. Other Grape Varieties 4

Key Grape Varieties: Italy, Spain, Chile, Argentina

know the characteristics of the grape varieties used in wine production

know the labelling terms and flavour of wines produced in the key wine producing countries

7. Sparkling and Sweet wines

Method of production of Sparkling wines and Sweet wines

Know the labelling terms and style of wines produced in the key wine producing countries

8. Fortified wines and Spirits

Know the labelling terms, style and flavour and production method of

Fortified wines and Spirits

9. Exam

Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits Certificate

● Tasting wines : 44 wines and 4 spirits

● Course length : 24 hours in 8 sessions

● Assessment : 1 hour with 50 multiple-choice questions - 55%(28 questions) pass mark

● Qualification : Level 2 Award Certification and WSET Logo pin
